After their recent scoop in regards to the upcoming Aquaman film, are back with more information about the upcoming DCEU. The site reveals that Warner Brothers are actively trying to diversify their film franchise, with the studio looking to create a film based on the Teen Titans, or possibly adding them to the upcoming Cyborg film, in order to add more female characters to the film series. How this will effect TNT’s live action Titans series, reminds to be seen.
They also have information on the upcoming Green Lantern CORPS film, featuring John Stewart and Hal Jordan, describing it as ‘Lethal weapon in space’, which certainly makes it sound like it will be a fun time.
They also reveal that the studio is looking to add at least on ‘Gay superhero’ to the film series over the next few years:
No, I’m not talking about an old, old wooden ship used during the Civil War era, but rather the keyword that gets tossed around more and more, especially in my Twitter feed. With the comic book movie genre continuing its stranglehold over the box office, both Marvel and DC are under pressure to diversify their superheroes in order to appeal to a broader audience, which is partly where the AQUAMAN casting is coming from. Beyond that film, you can expect to see the DCEU attempt to win the edge over the MCU in that department as they push to create more opportunities for diverse casting and representation of women/minorities in their burgeoning universe. What this means is more team-up films, rather than solo ones, where they can create a more even spread of representation. We’ve already seen Marvel begin to take this turn with a few like-minded films on the calendar (BLACK PANTHER, CAPTAIN MARVEL, and ANT-MAN AND THE WASP, not to mention the jam-packed CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR) and we’ve already got some of that kicking off in BATMAN V SUPERMAN with the inclusion of WONDER WOMAN (who is shooting a solo venture now) and SUICIDE SQUAD bringing in a fairly mixed cast already.
What do you think? Do you like the sound of these projects? Who do you think the gay superhero will be? Let us know below!