Yesterday it was reported that Karl Urban was involved in talks to appear in the upcoming Judge Dredd series, Judge Dredd: Mega-City One.
Well, it has now officially been confirmed by the producers of the show – specifically Jason Kingsley, executive producer:
“We have been in discussions with Karl about his possible involvement in Judge Dredd: Mega-City One for some time. These conversations continue but we’re keen, he’s keen – it’s just a case of us making sure this show is everything we want it to be.
This needs to be done right – the fans deserve it.
Our team is working hard on scripts for the first season, creating engaging multi-thread storylines, one of which will be Dredd’s but others which take us into the wider world of Mega-City One.”
Urban’s statement yesterday was:
“I am in discussions with them about that,” Urban revealed. “I told them that if they write the material and give Dredd something to do and give him a function, I will be there. I would love to.”
It’s no secret that fans would love to see Urban return to the role – and should be welcomed news that the producers want him back on board as well.
After I started the page for ‘Make a Dredd Sequel’ back in 2012 (which ended up getting official 2000 AD backing and spawned a petition) – this would definitely prove that things that seem impossible can happen if you’re vocal enough about it.
It’s also been no secret that Urban has wanted to play the character again:
“Yeah, I’ve gone on record saying that I would. Absolutely,”…”I mean, what’s clear to me is that there is an audience demand to see more and if we can find a way to have a legitimate and worthy successor to Dredd. I’d love to be a part of it. You know, it would have to be something where we were focused on Dredd and coming to sort of understand the deeper inner workings of the character, otherwise there wouldn’t be much point doing it because it’s a huge challenge to play a character whose eyes you can’t see. We’ll see. I’m sure it will get made at some point. Whether it’s with me or not, I don’t know.”
Here’s hoping it happens.