The Disney Plus series Moon Knight premiered in 2022. It brought a darker tone to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with a fairly accurate portray of the titular comic book character in live-action. Now, however, a fan has proposed a theory that adds an even darker angle to the Moon Knight story.
The final episode of Moon Knight delivers quite a shocking reveal. Fans were surprised by this reveal, in the form of a mid-credits scene, in which we discover Marc Spector’s third personality: Jake Lockley. It’s this newly-revealed personality that ultimately kills Harrow and Ammit.
Additionally, fans discover that Lockley is still working with Khonshu as a result. It’s a strong ending and one that clearly leaves the door open for more storytelling potential. One fan on Reddit even suggested that it could tie back to an earlier plot thread.
The fifth episode of the Marvel show’s season reveals that Spector’s mother died. However, no cause of death is ever given. Now a fan theory from 2023 has resurfaced and suggests that she could have had her death at the hands of none other than Jake Lockley.
Here’s the gist of what the Reddit user shared for their Moon Knight theory:
“My theory is that Jake got permission from Khonshu to do a more personal kill and take revenge on Marc’s mom because of all that she did to him. Khonshu allowed it since Khonshu’s all about justice, vengeance, and punishing those who have done wrong; and Marc’s mom definitely had done wrong, seeing as how she was a child abuser. So Jake traveled back home and murdered his mother, and this also could be what made him so loyal to Khonshu. Then, not long after that, Marc took over the body again and never realized what really happened to his mother.”
It’s definitely an interesting perspective and one that could easily be elaborated on with a new project. Especially now that we know Jake Lockley will no doubt be a major part of any Moon Knight appearance in the future. Stay tuned to ScreenGeek for any additional updates on Moon Knight as we have them.