Author: Riven Buckley

Goddamn is this a good time to be a geek. There’s amazing superhero fare on big screens and small these days, and while we might complain when film folks get it wrong, they’re also getting a hell of a lot right and it’s awesome. But comics have been getting turned into films for a long while now and there’s some really great ones might not even have heard of. Some are older, some are relatively unknown, some have been overlooked or mis-sold at box office and deserve another look. 11. Battle Royale (2000) Oh, Hunger Games. You may be a…

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We need to talk about gritty grimdark realism, because it’s choking all the life out of our superhero movies. We’ve had a few disasters in a row from DC now, and a heck of a lot of handwringing over why Marvel is doing such a better job than DC at translating its characters from page to screen. I’ve read time and time again that Marvel movies are more successful because they’re lighthearted and fun, and DC is too moody and serious, and I want to break that down because I don’t think that tells the whole story. So let’s go…

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