Author: Jacob Dressler

Micro-budget filmmaker and lover of all things horror.

I’m sure none of us is a stranger to the idea of Disney princesses. We see them everywhere, after all, even if some of them haven’t made a cinematic appearance in decades. In fact, it’d be a challenge to walk around a store without seeing something with a Disney princess attached. They’re on toys, dishes, movie covers, anything you can think of. And what effect does this have? Why, it makes the Disney princesses an integrated part of our culture. Kids love them! And at this point, I think we can all agree they’ll be remembered forever. This is why…

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Debbie Reynolds, who rose to stardom after her role in Singin’ in the Rain, has passed away today according to her son. Reynolds was quickly taken to a hospital after 1 PM when someone dialed 911 and reported a possible stroke. According to TMZ, Reynolds and her son Todd Fisher were preparing funeral plans for the late Carrie Fisher, who passed away just yesterday. I know most people will remember her for a variety of larger roles, but I wanted to say that she meant the world to me as a kid through her appearances in the Halloweentown films. I…

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Earlier today, a rumor broke loose that Ryan Reynolds would appear in the upcoming Wolverine film Logan as Deadpool. Currently both the director of Logan, James Mangold, and Ryan Reynolds himself have denied the rumors. They’ve insisted the characters or films are in no way going to connect. And now the Logan star himself, Hugh Jackman, can further deny this rumor as he’s agreed with both Reynolds and Mangold. Jackman tweeted the following: Umberto Gonzalez is standing by the rumor. But it seems like the only way people will ever accept the truth is when Logan hits theaters March…

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It’s bad news for Deadpool fans – the character won’t be making an appearance in Logan after all. Earlier today, Umberto Gonzalez of The Wrap reported that Ryan Reynolds had filmed a scene for the upcoming film. Deadpool actor Ryan Reynolds quickly took to Twitter after it was reported he’d be making an appearance in James Mangold’s Wolverine film, Logan. And despite the two films and characters having completely different tones, Reynolds still had to confirm that the rumor was indeed false. Reynolds posted on Twitter: Where this gets more interesting is when director JamesĀ Mangold stepped in:…

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In a YouTube video that was once posted in 2006 and later resurfaced, we get to see a young Carrie Fisher audition for what would become the role of Princess Leia. And, having been the audition that got her the role, you know it’s a good one. Fisher immediately gets into the role, and doesn’t even falter at any of the crazy made up dialogue. She simply acts as Leia does in the films – which really goes to show how much of the character was simply just Carrie Fisher. Of course, Episode 7 won’t be our last time with…

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The Flash is one of several superheroes to never get much attention in the video game industry. Of course, that was not always the case. Once a video game developer known as Bottlerocket Entertainment sought to make a Flash game. It was set to focus on Wally West, and before the release of the Batman: Arkham games, it was going to be released in 2009. However, Bottlerocket eventually decided to cancel the game. Now we have new information about the game from YouTuber DidYouKnowGaming? Check out the video below: Keystone and Central City would both be playable locations, and…

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A few weeks ago it was revealed that Suicide Squad director David Ayer would be returning to the DC Cinematic Universe to direct Gotham City Sirens. Soon after, Ayer tweeted an image with the comic book versions of Harley Quinn, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy. This confirmed that the three characters will star in the film, with Quinn being played by Margot Robbie similar to Suicide Squad. The film has also been suggested to begin shooting soon, and everyone is throwing in their picks to play the new characters. And that includes digital artist Boss Logic, who designed his own idea…

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It was a great year for Star Wars fans in 2015, when The Force Awakens brought back several of our old favorite heroes back to the mainstream. This included Princess Leia, who was played by the amazing Carrie Fisher. Unfortunately, the actress passed away today at 60 years old, just days after suffering a heart attack. But it seems The Force Awakens won’t be the last time we’ll get to see the beloved Leia, as it’s been suggested her filming for Episode 8 has been completed ahead of all of these events. TMZ has revealed that she recorded all of…

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New Line Cinema has finally given us our first look at Pennywise in action. It’s a little different from the previously-released posters, as it’s from the actual film, so I think it’s worth examining. Pennywise’s clothing seems to be made up of dark browns and grays that quite nicely match the sewer environment given. It all blends together and creates this sort of murky atmosphere. Unfortunately I just can’t get behind the design itself. It’s a little too murky. The rendition played by Tim Curry in 1991 was really bright and colorful for a reason – he was meant to…

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Despite the reasoning behind Batman and Superman’s fighting in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, it does make perfect sense the two would be at odds against one another. After all, they each have their own motivations and methods regarding fighting crime, and it was only a matter of time before they’d struggle against one another. And with the way their own versus film ended, Superman was allegedly killed and it was up to Batman and Wonder Woman to begin recruiting meta-humans to start fighting crime and whatever villainy was to come next. All of which is supposed to lead…

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