Author: Jacob Dressler

Micro-budget filmmaker and lover of all things horror.

As is expected from the Internet, Instagram users went wild after actress and former mixed martial artist Gina Carano posted a topless photo of herself on the social media platform. Of course, the image isn’t exactly a brightly lit view – Instagram’s social media requirements refuses to allow any female nudity – but everything is clearly still there for people to see. In an effort to further point out the restrictions that society has imposed over female nudity, Gina Carano made sure the photo was accompanied with a caption from musician Prince. The quote stated the following: “I find freedom…

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At a time when “whitewashing” is mostly frowned upon by the modern day public, it’s been revealed that two popular TV shows – both Family Guy and The Simpsons – will now see white actors leaving nonwhite roles from both shows. This includes voice actor Mike Henry, who has voiced the character Cleveland since Family Guy first premiered in 1999 over 20 years ago. As pointed out by The New York Times, Mike Henry gave the following statement regarding his decision to step down as the voice of Cleveland: “It’s been an honor to play Cleveland on ‘Family Guy’ for…

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The year is 2020, and absolutely anything is possible. You want proof? Michael Keaton, the actor who famously portrayed Bruce Wayne aka Batman in Tim Burton’s Batman and Batman Returns, is actually negotiating to return to his role as the caped crusader. That’s right, after nearly 30 years since he last played the character in Batman Returns, it’s been revealed that Michael Keaton will indeed wear the iconic Batman costume once again! However, it won’t be for another Batman film, but rather a role in the upcoming film The Flash. It’s been revealed that The Flash will involve time travel…

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With the Coronavirus pandemic forcing Hollywood into a new era of critical thinking, one which has forced the industry to find new ways to complete productions, as well as figure out new forms of distribution – it seems they’ve also figured out a way to replace actors and actresses. At least for one particular movie, titled “b”, the movie will star AI actress Erica. As revealed by THR, the film will be produced for $70 million by production companies Bondit Capital Media, Happy Moon Productions, and Ten Ten Global Media. It’s been stated that the film featuring the AI actress…

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It goes without saying that one of the most perfect, nearly guaranteed ingredients for a successful cult classic is to include some kind of killer doll or toy. Charles Band sure learned this with a variety of films like Dolls, Puppet Master, Demonic Toys, Blood Dolls, and more. One also doesn’t need to look any further than Child’s Play and its sequels to see just how successful the concept can be with mainstream audiences. And who can forget those other obscure little rip-offs like Dolly Dearest and Pinocchio’s Revenge? Well, now it seems a new killer toy can be added…

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The Loch Ness Monster is one of the most notorious cryptids ever, having been the subject of endless sightings, stories, and supposed photographs. While the creature has, like many other cryptids, never quite been officially discovered or scientifically proven – that hasn’t stopped believers in the Loch Ness Monster to stop believing. In fact, several new photos have recently surfaced – giving quite a great view of what could in fact be the Loch Ness Monster, otherwise nicknamed Nessie. As you can see in the photos, which are being claimed by some as “the best picture ever” taken of the…

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It’s just been newly announced by Disney Parks that the Splash Mountain location featured in both Disneyland and Disney World will be updated with a completely new theme inspired by The Princess and the Frog. The announcement comes from the official Disney Parks Twitter account, and as you can see down below, they even shared an interesting piece of concept art for the upcoming attraction. They also included the following caption: “We’re thrilled to share Splash Mountain at Disneyland and Walt Disney World will be completely reimagined with a new story inspired by an all-time favorite Disney Animation film, The…

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It goes without saying that The Last of Us Part 2, otherwise known as The Last of Us 2, was an incredibly anticipated followup to The Last of Us, and this goes a step further considering how positively critics were reacting to the game. While things were looking good at first following the game’s launch, it turns out that’s not the case. In fact, many video games fans that played The Last of Us Part 2 have turned against the game – viciously tearing it apart on its own associated subreddit, r/TheLastOfUs2. It’s been an interesting time to follow the…

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Many audiences have been excited for HBO Max so that they could watch South Park, no doubt one of the most popular adult animated shows to exist. However, it also happens to be one of the most controversial animated shows to have existed as well – or controversial in general, for that matter. Especially when South Park featured Islam’s Prophet Muhammad in a season 14 episode of the show. Now it appears that that particular episode from South Park, along with four others, will be removed from HBO Max. It isn’t too surprising, considering that the season 14 episode of…

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It shouldn’t be surprising that fans would want Kevin Bacon to have a chance at playing popular A Nightmare on Elm Street antagonist Freddy Krueger. The legendary cinematic villain became a pop culture icon after his first theatrical appearance in 1984, beginning with Wes Craven’s A Nightmare on Elm Street. Robert Englund was cast in the role and he stayed as the character for seven sequels and even a TV anthology series. As such, it was difficult to see Robert Englund leave the role due to his increasing age – a move that, along with the remake trend, led to…

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