Author: Allen D. Lyons

Author of 'Hostage 100' and 'Full Steam Ahead.'

Zack Snyder set out to fulfill his vision starting with Man of Steel. The film was met with negative views concerning violence and destruction. Therefore, he answered those in the form of the Dark Knight. Batman pursued Superman over the devastation he caused in the first movie. The seeds for Justice League were planted in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Snyder was almost finished with the first live-action movie of the superhero team when he heard the news of his daughter’s passing. Filming was completed, however, there were some technical aspects that needed to be tweaked with. Warner Bros…

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Since Mark Ruffalo was cast in The Avengers, MCU has really explored the Hulk. Performances before only addressed Dr. Banner’s transformation whenever he grew angry. Sure, there was The Incredible Hulk TV show and its subsequent movies. Such starred Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno. But even their version only focused on the angry Hulk. He had that cameo in the post-credits of Iron Man 3. But his next appearance in Avengers: Age of Ultron was when they started to dig into the character. Black Widow had the ability to lull the beast. Then he went through more changes by the…

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Avengers: Endgame wrapped Tony Stark’s arc over several movies. Robert Downey Jr kicked off the MCU with Iron Man. Since, he’s reprised the role in The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, The Avengers, Iron Man 3, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and Avengers: Infinity War. Then finally, he met his fate in Endgame. After he died, Captain America returned the Infinity Stones like Banner promised The Ancient One. Hulk, Falcon, and Bucky sent Cap on his way. Then Falcon had a discussion with Old Man Cap where he passed his shield along. However, concept art shows a different version…

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After killing Thanos for the first time, Thor was in a state of depression in Avengers: Endgame. He may have lost his eye and hammer in Thor: Ragnarok. But in Endgame, he lost his physique. Though, he and Rocket returned to the events of Thor: The Dark World to retrieve the Reality Stone. This allowed him to do two things. He got his hammer back. And he was able to have one more conversation with his mother. After defeating Thanos for good, he left Earth with the Guardians of the Galaxy. And so, Thor: Love and Thunder will pick up…

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In the recent run of Captain Marvel comics, Carol Danvers has turned evil. She is now sporting a black suit. And she has pledged allegiance to a looming supervillain in the background. Her mission is to kill the Avengers. In issue #12, she crossed another ex-teammate of the list. In a fistfight to the death, she beheaded Thor. Many fans have hated the character. This was mostly due to Brie Larson’s portrayal in the movies. But her actions in the comics just gives more fuel to the haters. Screen Geek conducted a poll on their page devoted to Marvel with…

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After Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy, DC and Warner Bros tried to compete with the MCU. The two comic book companies have been competing since they started publishing. But two particular things caused DC Films to stumble. One was replacing Snyder on Justice League. Another was their overzealousness. They were announcing projects without following through with them. The films look to be back on track with Shazam, Aquaman, and Joker. Wonder Woman did well too, but that was in the diamond in the rough. Now, a new agenda has been announced with a new captain. Variety reported about DC’s future…

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Despite not being able to produce another Hulk movie, the MCU gave him quite the arc. The Incredible Hulk, starring Edward Norton, was the second movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The connection was sealed when Robert Downey Jr appeared in the post-credits. And then William Hurt’s General Ross returned in Captain America: Civil War. Marvel Studios promised Norton a sequel. But when Disney bought the studio, they couldn’t strike the deal they eventually did with Spider-Man. Though, they were able to use Hulk in Avengers’ movies. So Mark Ruffalo’s version of the character was given an arc through Thor:…

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2015’s Fantastic Four was supposed to be a superior remake to the 2005 movie and its sequel. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a major disappointment. The director, Josh Trank, had a vision for the film. But it was turned into a mess due to the studio’s involvement. Almost five years later, Trank has finally come to grips with his disaster. He recently wrote a review of his movie. And there’s nothing funnier than self-deprecation. The filmmaker pinned a tweet for the review of his own movie. The review was posted to Letterboxd, a social media site for films. He…

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The Maxx was a comic book published by Image Comics. The imprint was created by artists who were unhappy with Marvel. Sam Kieth was the creator of The Maxx. His Marvel titles included Marvel Comics Presents, which featured stories about the likes of Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and Ghost Rider. Kieth also worked on Vertigo’s Sandman with Neil Gaiman. In which, that comic will be receiving a Netflix adaptation. The Maxx went on to become an animated series for MTV. The cartoon won an Annie award. Now, Channing Tatum and Roy Lee are working on a new Maxx adaptation. The Hollywood Reporter…

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When Captain America lifted Mjolnir in Avengers: Endgame, it was an exhilarating moment. But remember that the moment was foreshadowed in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Right before the villain burst in, everyone was taking turns at the hammer. This was to present the Avengers at a moment of rest and fun. Perhaps, it was their last moment of such. Because the events of Ultron caused the Sokovia Accords. In which split the team in Captain America: Civil War. But at that moment, Cap budged the hammer a little. Though, an exec at Marvel Studios said that he could lift Mjolnir…

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